With life looking much different than it did even a year ago, some days it’s hard to put on a smile and be positive. While we can’t control what happens in 2020, we can all take steps toward remaining positive even on the most challenging days. If you’re looking for a pick-me-up, consider taking these five steps daily to remind yourself of the positivity that exists around us. Sometimes you simply need to get creative!
1. Leave Yourself a Reminder
Everybody could use a little reminder to remain positive. You can get a small dose of brightness in your life by simply putting a note on your bathroom mirror that holds a positive message you want to remember. Why the bathroom? It’ll be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you’ll see at night. Whether this is a positive mantra you write on a sticky note, or a simple reminder of something that makes you smile, write it down and post it up on the mirror. Don’t be afraid to repeat your saying out loud each day. After all, if you can sing in the shower why shouldn’t you be able to talk out loud in front of the mirror?
2. Seek It Out
There’s positivity all around us, even when we don’t see it. Sometimes, you just have to look for it. Maybe you seek out a piece of good news each day to give yourself a boost of positivity. Or, maybe you make a point to perform an act of kindness each day. How about reading a good book and looking for positive affirmations inside? Remind yourself daily that there’s positivity in the world, and sometimes we just need to look.
3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Social media is one of the biggest culprits to lead us down a rabbit hole of self doubt. Remember that what you’re seeing online is only the highlight reel instead of the full picture. Many more people are struggling than what it actually appears online. If comparison is getting you down, consider cutting back on screen time and social media. Everybody has bad days—even the people who seemingly always keep it together. If you have the capacity, consider reaching out to a friend to check in for a positivity boost.
4. Take Care of Yourself
It’s hard to remain positive when you’re overtired or feeling like you have nothing else to give. You have to be feeling good about yourself before you can project good vibes into the world. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating enough vegetables and taking the time to ensure your mental health comes first. These tasks are all more challenging because of the world we’re living in today, but if you prioritize taking care of yourself, positivity will come more easily.
5. Give Back
Consider doing good for others if you’re looking for some happiness in your own life. There’s nothing quite like the feeling you get when doing something good for others. This could be volunteering your time, helping out a friend or donating to a cause you love. Sometimes positivity happens when we aren’t thinking so hard and we’re simply ‘doing.’
There’s no doubt that times are difficult. Try to remember that during these tough times you are never alone. Look for the positive as you go throughout your day, and if you can’t find any positivity, learn to create it!